Kweken; dat kan het hele jaar door! - Het LED Warenhuis

Grow; That is possible all year round!

With LED breeding lighting you are made very easy and sparing! You can now grow all year round, even in the winter. There is a solution for every type of plant, do you want to know which applies to you? Then read on!

Growing plants in the spring with LED breeding lights

With LED breeding lights you can grow very well in the spring. You can also use the light of the sun by putting the plants behind glass. Keep in mind that the window must be facing south so that your plants can absorb a lot of light during the day. It is wise to shine with a (small) LED grow lamp and to give the plant enough waterT Behind a window is greater that the plant will dry out. In this way, spring is perfect for growing peppers, peppers or tomatoes.


Growing plants in the winter with LED breeding lights

In the winter you can't normally grow, but with LED breeding lighting that is no problem. You could again put your plants in front of the windows, but that is not nearly enough. In the winter it is important that the plants get the right light for a long time. Make sure you let it shine on for at least 8 hours of LED grow lighting. The number of hours differs per plant, so always ensure good research to the plant that you want to grow. If a plant does not get or has had enough light, the stem will grow for too long. The plant is then, as it were, looking for more light, this is not beneficial because this energy must be in width and flowering. The number of hours of light is therefore very important. If you take this into account, you can also get very good breeding results in the winter.


Type of LED grow lighting

In most cases you are very good with a "7-band" or "12-band" spectrum. These types of LED breeding lighting has enough growth light (especially blue) and flowering light (especially red, far red). Have thereby These lamps also extra light colors such as green, infra-red and different types of white light. These 2 light spectra are very suitable for most plants. If you have plants that only have to grow and do not have to bloom, you can also use "5-band" LED breeding lighting.


Affordable breeding lighting


LED breeding strip 1 meter (DIY)


 LED breeding strip 60 cm


LED Growth lamp E27 (18 x 3 Watt par)

18x3w LED grow lamp