LED sports field lighting

LED sports field lighting

Most sports fields are full of developed Hi-T 2000Watt sodium lamps. These are high-pressure lamps or gas discharge lamps that use metal-halogen vapors. In 2017 it is becoming increasingly common to apply LED lighting to the sports fields. In this article you can read about the benefits, disadvantages and prices of LED sports field lighting. We are happy to assist you with advice, light calculations and the best LED fixtures for around your sports field.

About high -pressure sports lamps

The gas discharge lamp was already invented around the year 1900, in the 1960s it was improved into a metal-haluildestamp lamp. The lamp works as follows: due to the electrons of metals, the whole bumps on top of each other, which means that the whole comes in a higher energy condition. When the electrons return to the normal state, they then send light. Gas discharge lamps work through combustion, just like an old -fashioned light bulb, the gas discharge lamp therefore has a limited expiration date. Unfortunately, the development of this lamp has been standing still for years, so time for something new.

Since the invention of the metal-haaltic lamp lamp, sports lighting has become increasingly efficient. That is why since the 1960s, more and more pleasant sports can be made on the outdoor sports fields. 

Why LED sports field lighting?

The development of sports field lighting has absolutely not stood still. Our society more sustainable and the Dutch sports fields are part of that. The arrival of LED lighting makes this sustainability on the sports fields possible. A lot of energy can be saved and that immediately provides benefits for association and the Mileu. Saving money and reducing CO2 emissions, that is the future.

But not only the environment is spared, the efficiency of LED lighting is higher than that of gas discharge lamps. Conventional sports lighting has an efficiency of up to 110 lumen per watt. LED sports field lighting has returns up to 150 lumens per watt. As a result, there is more light output with less wattage. 

Advantages of LED sports field lighting

There are many advantages to LED sports field lighting, a number of benefits listed below.

  • Saving: An energy saving of up to 60% is possible, so also save on the electricity bill
  • Light quality: LED comes up to 6000K (Kelvin) in variants, this white light is pleasant during exercise
  • Simple installation: Replacement can often take place 1 on 1
  • Low in maintenance: no to almost no cleaning and replacement costs
  • Lifespan: LED lasts up to 50,000 burning hours. With normal use that is up to 20 years
  • No warm-up time: switch on and off immediately.
  • Dimmable and adjustable: Light quantity adjustable when the need for it is, with active use there is more energy saving.
  • No spreading light: Never hassle again with neighbors
  • LED sports lighting contains no harmful substances
  • Subsidy options: Due to the sustainable character, a subsidy on LED sports field lighting is available

Disadvantages LED sports lighting

  • Higher purchase price: there is a payback time, but they are getting shorter, prices are falling and the lifespan is getting longer
  • Many variations in LED lighting: LED lighting is sensitive to advice, because there are many different products. Be well informed.
  • Dimmable and adjustable variants require more work, the energy saving is partly dependent on how this is handled.

Applicable for every sport

Whether you practice tennis, hockey, football or jeu de boules, LED lighting can be used everywhere. The current luminaires can be removed from the light towers, the new LED sports lighting can be installed without problems on the existing light pole and via the existing power supply.

LED can be connected to 230V or 400V, the connection can take place without adjustments or with only a small adjustment in the meter space. The old metal-halogen lamp is removed and recycled. Every situation requires a different Wattage sports field lighting and a different advice, therefore, let you inform you well. 


Every sport has to do with minimal lighting requirements. The light standards were drawn up by the relevant sports association together with the NOC*NSF and with recommendations from the NSVV (Foundation for Lighting Science). Light standards depend on a number of factors such as the speed of the game, the size of the game material (eg the ball) and the dimensions of the field. Other Lux values ​​are therefore common per sport. Compliance with light standards in particular the higher sports classes are required if one wants to participate in the level.

Sport Class Amount of luxury Evenness

III - Training
II - Competitions

> 75 Lux
> 120 lux


 Hockey III - Training
II - Competitions
I - Top level competition
> 250 Lux
> 350 lux
> 500 lux



III - Training
II - Competitions

> 75 Lux
> 120 lux


 Tennis III - Training
II - Competitions
I - Top level competition
> 300 Lux
> 450 lux
> 500 lux
 Football III - Training
II - Competitions
I - Competitions (cat. C)
I - Prof. dr. competitions (cat. D)
> 75 Lux
> 120 lux
> 250 Lux
> 500 lux
 golf Tee
Driving Range
> 140 lux
> 90 lux
> 60 lux
> 50 Lux
 Rugby Training without a try-zone
Training with Try-Zone
> 100 lux
> 100 lux 
> 150 lux
 Baseball Outfield
Inner field
> 200 lux
> 300 Lux
 Softball Outfield
Inner field
> 200 lux
> 300 Lux
 Handball training
> 75 Lux
> 200 lux
 Padel training
> 300 Lux
> 700 Lux
 Jeu de Boules Outfield
Training (Binnenveld)
Matches (Binnenveld)
> 90 lux
> 250 Lux
> 400 Lux


Types LED sports field lighting

There are a number of well -known and less well -known LED fixtures available for the sports world. The most important characteristics that an LED sports lamp must have reliability And the possibility to dim. Below you will find a number of different LED fixtures with their characteristics. Every fixture works through other ministry, the best known is Dali. 

Philips (Optivision)

The Optivision Gen. 2 The lamp for sports lighting from Philips de Lamp consists of 3 vertically led panels of approximately 490 watts each, in full consumption the wattage is approximately 1,470. The second version of the Philips Optivision only uses the upper and lower LED panel. That is ideal for the sports fields where less light is required. The driver can be installed at the back of the fixture or downstairs in the mast. The system can be dim and switch through DALI.

AAA-Lux (WS series)

AAA-Lux has the WS series that can be controlled with its own operating system (LCMS). This LED unit is a brand in itself through its own platform for consumption statistics and dimming. Just like all luminaires, the WS series can be installed on any light pole without any problems. With 32 kg, AAA-Lux has one of the heavier lamps in this market. The module consists of 4, 6 or 8 separately led panels of approximately 200 watts each. You may have heard of light efficiency, which is measured in the amount of lumen (light output) per watt. Here it is quite high, namely 140 Lumen/Watt. 

Lumosa (Campo Sportivo)

This originally Italian LED fixture also has a high light efficiency of no less than 150 lumen/watts. Just like the WS series, the Campo Sportivo is made up of several modules to prevent shadow work ing. With Lumosa Touch, the lamp can be dimmed and switched in its entirety in, for example, training or competition lighting. Consumption data can also be kept by means of an app, times for switching on and off and making other settings per sports field. The heaviest model only weighs 23 kg, very light for similar LED fixtures.  

Prices LED sports field lighting

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How can we help you?

Our partner for LED sports lighting is Mastverlichting.com, they give total advice and relieve clubs and associations entirely when it comes to the purchase and maintenance of field lighting. Take it immediately Contact For more information about LED sports field lighting.